• Performing environmental cleaning:
    • We routinely cleaning all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as workstations, countertops, and doorknobs, chairs, sinks and rest rooms. We use cleaning agents that are medical grade where appropriate and will be doing this with increased frequency throughout the day and between each client visit.  All linens are changed between clients. 
    • We continue to perform good hygiene as medical professionals by hand washing before and after client contact, gloving and masking by all employees for all client contact. In addition we have hand sanitizer for use by staff and clients throughout the Spa. Clients are encouraged to wear their masks and gloves to the Spa. 
    • Active screening for sick employees and clients to ensure health:
    • We phone screening all clients and you will be asked a series of questions. This is to ensure everyone stays healthy or is needed directed to the appropriate testing and treatment centers (medical provider, clinic or hospital).
    • Lobby and other common area seating has been relocated. Upon entry, all clients will have a touchless temp. taken at the front door to check in. If your room is ready you will be escorted directly there. Please remain in your chair and refrain from touching items in the room. 
    • If we are unable to place you in a room upon arrival, we will ask you to wait in your car and we will call you when the room is ready. 
    • All staff will wear PPE in all areas at all times. This includes gloves, masks & shields, hair covers, booties, and lab coats. Employees will change gloves and wash hands between clients in addition to using hand sanitizer.
    • If you currently feel sick, please stay at home, call reschedule your appointment and call your physician.  This is especially important if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness (i.e. fever, cough, sneezing, runny nose, or shortness of breath). The same thing applies if you have had any of these symptoms in the past 3 days or have a family member who is ill. 
    • Employees who have symptoms of respiratory illness (e.g. cough, runny nose, sneezing, fever, or shortness of breath) will stay home and not come to the Med Spa they are no longer symptomatic, coughing and are free of fever (99.4° F or greater) using an oral thermometer, and do not have any other symptoms for at least 3 days, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Alieve, Advil).
    • If you come to the Med Spa sick you can not be treated. 
    • To keep babies and children safe during this time they will need to stay at home during your visit. For some this will be more difficult as all Michigan Schools are now closed and so if you need to find care for them please reschedule. 

    To reschedule an appointment or if you have questions, please contact our office at 248-254-3246.

    Your well-being is important to us. We are taking all the necessary precautions provided by the Centers for Disease Control to protect our employees and our clients.

    For more information please visit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Ardis Schmitt, RN RN, BSN, and CEO Of Revive Medical Spas
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